2.1.11 Define the Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR and XOR

What is logic? 
• Its how a machine will solve problems. 
• Machines (at basic level) do not understand semantics like humans – no grey areas. 

There are 5 Boolean operators, they are:
AND: The output is true when A is true and B is true.
OR:The output is true when A is true or B is true, or both are true.
NOT: The output is true when the input is false (it is a unary operator).
XOR: The output is true when A is true or B is not true, but not when both A and B are true.

NAND: The output is true when A is False and B is false. (The opposite of AND)
NOR: The output is true when A is false or B is false, or both are false. (The opposite of OR)