3.1.9 Explain why compression of data is often necessary when transmitting across a network

Compression of Data

Data compression involves encoding information using fewer bits than the
original representation

Lossless Compression

Algorithms exploit data redundancy o reduce file size. Common algorithms are Lempel Ziv Welch (LZW), DEFLATE, Lempel Ziv Renau. File asociated with this type of compression are PNG, GIF, ZIP files.

Lossy Compression

In this case some loss of information is acceptable. Typical uses are:



Why use compression

Backups and Archiving

So backup files don't take as much space as the original ones.

File Transfer

If the file is smaller it will take less time to upload/download.

Web use of media Files

Download of MP3 files(smaller music files)

File encryption and protection

Compressed files which their data is mixed up and has no meaning.